
The river bends

  The river bends The river bends into a new place Continues to travel at a steady pace Something new is on your heart keep wisdom close and not depart The river bends a change is ahead Know God's spirit and be led Drink deep waters from the holy well Connect with the quiet place and dwell The river bends into the unknown God's wonders will be shown Stay close and abide in him Share with others but not on a whim The river bends a new land is in view Explore with Him and a selective crew Keep numbers low as the vision is conceived Revelation from your Father will be received The river bends and this truth is real God's revelation light is the real deal His amazing love pours out on you and me God's heart is always for our company


  Lament I feel the ripping emotions in my heart Seismic earthquake way off the chart This traumatic devastation effects my roots Its a massive shock and so acute My thoughts and screams hit a ceiling How is God feeling God sees all around He sees the pain, torment and the sounds We cannot be silent and allow What is happening right now We must wake up and take a stand Weep, cry and pray for this land Lives have been snuffed out All will be held to account May evil be removed forevermore May righteousness and justice open the new door The Psalmist David cried out in pain We should follow his footsteps again and again He cried in anguish to the Lord Let us cry out to Him now


Drowning in deep water brought on fear Now anxious thoughts appear I can't break free from these chains  Fear ambushes me again and again Trapped by strong emotions in my mind I'm tied up and walking along blind Fear causes me to be frozen in time Paralysed and fear sticks like grime I cannot break free from this cycle of fear I'm helpless to make it disappear its very real and part of my life Like being cut deeply with a knife I adapt and try to survive But this fear is buried alive It pops up in unexpected ways Hijacks thoughts and effects my days What can I do to escape this state I cannot leave it to fate Who can I turn to, to set me free I cannot see a solution in me The Psalmist writings of old Lays out the message of pure gold Cry for help to The Lord it says He will deliver you from all your fears  The Father above knows all things His perfect peace He will bring The fear will disperse and disappear  You will be set free and be clear Life will be open and be bright


  Forgiveness Forgive and let go is what they say, Can past hurts wait until another day, This turnaround may not be quick, Words and wounds build walls that are thick Just saying I forgive, is so hard, Words don't  work when I'm scarred Try going deeper and process these things And then see what this new journey brings It starts with an intentional thought Changes in me that need to be sought Express your feelings as a start You can even try writing, movement or art Cry out for help to The Father above This will lead to a covering of love Loosen the grip around this hurt Be courageous and do not divert Holding on to hurt with a tight grip Only sees your inner peace slip Unforgiveness can only cause pain The choice to let go is what remains The injustice or hurt can feel so raw But starting to forgive opens a prison door  It’s hard to forgive and stay emotionally sound But don't be mistaken forgiveness can be found I forgive, is not just a word or two But an intentional cho

Release : The Journey begins

  Rushing around is easy to do It maybe be a default for me and you Daily chores and keeping busy Often makes us feel quite dizzy Spinning plates and juggling life Can cause us a lot of strife Work, family, friends and more Can drain our energy and then we're done for It seems we cannot stand still for a second As priorities and other things beckon What can we do to change this pace As our souls cry out for some space Are we fearful of slowing down Releasing plates that are spinning round If we say lets stop instead of start Will life collapse and fall apart There is another pace to pursue This will give you a different view Our Father above offers a place to be Quiet waters and restoration are key Our heavenly Father is the great guide He is always on your side His heart is to restore your soul Flood you with peace and make you whole   How can we know this restoration of our soul By our own effort towards this goal? There is only one thing for you to do Cry out to our heavenly Fat


  US   What about this current state , we here you say, hustle and bustle every day, moving  in every  direction all the time Speaking, co-ordinating and even using mime   It amazing to see the how we all are All together in one virtual jar There is much less angst and fuss It’s not me ,myself, I,  but us   We are all in together helping out Sorting and solving, that’s all it’s about There’s a remarkable outlook that is here now Definitely important to reflect and say wow   Whether we say it or we do not Working for the patient is the spot Patient care is one of the central parts And I see that it inhabits all of our hearts   There are ups and downs going through the days Looking after each other will prevent a daze As we share, talk and discuss Always remember that It’s not me ,myself, I, but us

Journeying Together

  Journeying together Walking along together let us see What will happen to you and me Choose to go beyond superficial chatter Open up to what really matters Open up with a friend It can bring a richer blend Trust is at the heart of this trail Let go the thought you may fail Its easy to stick with the status quo But why not learn to go deeper and grow This happens as we share our heart with a friend As they question, encourage and challenge Encourage and provoke with love Don't be timid but give a gentle shove Help them to go beyond the comfort zone Into a new place that is unknown  This unknown place, you may need to  go To Encourage your friend to go steady and slow Our Father above will help them discover He will protect them and provide cover Iron sharpens iron a hebrew quote Meaning love, encourage and provoke Deep connection is better than money True friendship is sweeter than honey

Call out the gold

  Call out the Gold When you meet with family, friend or someone new There's  a different perspective for you to view What you see in this person really  does matter Go deeper and push through the idle chatter What you see could be something new or old Yet within this person is real gold This gold is who they really are Characteristics that make them a star Life's experiences can cause distortion Self-image may become a damaged version Before this person remains in this state Let  us call out the gold  -  set the record straight Ask our Father above for insight True qualities will come into the light The characteristics are perfect and true For this person in front of you Call out the gold in family, friend, or someone new And something fresh will break through It is God's perfect design that appears It may have laid dormant for many years Hopes and dreams can come alive As their spirit begins to thrive Their eyes will be opened to see Who they are really meant to be Call o


  Stillness is an intentional place Away from the ongoing rat race Our lives cry out for a change Quietness at first may feel strange A quiet spot is a space to be Letting go, and being free Life's business  dissipates Consciously  release what agitates Be still and receive revelation new The Father's heart is for you His complete nature is to make us whole To pour out medicine for our mind, body and soul Be still and release your anxious thoughts Let go of stress of all sorts The Father from heaven can be known  His heart for you, is you know that you're never alone Be still, there's peace from above As our Father demonstrates his love He says you're wonderfully made This truth will never fade Be still, In quietness and reflect Our heavenly Father desires to connect Whether it is day or night May you know, You are precious in His sight

Greenhouse to the garden

  Greenhouse to the garden Alive, sparks flying and full of zest This greenhouse spiritual experience is the best Seeing dynamite power of God's great move Its simply the most amazing groove Now is the time to move from here Moving away from powerful atmosphere Who can listen to me and talk How will I keep this spiritual walk I've seen the power and might This greenhouse experience has had an exhilarating height Could it be I drop down to earth with a thud Feeling I've lost the new clarity and now in the mud I want to be planted with deep roots Grow and flourish with new shoots Can someone draw alongside me to unpack Thoughts and feelings I have kept in my backpack Someone can draw alongside as a friend Quality time, they can spend Helping you earth the amazing wonders you have known Seeing the fruit from what has been sown Moving from the greenhouse to a new place Brings many challenges to face This walk does not have to be alone to face As we can be with you full of grace

The Father's heart

  Each day I desire you to know My love for you is a continuous flow It has no limit or end I am closer to you than a friend My love for you has no agenda It is unconditional and tender Let me display my love for you Open your heart to a different view My love springs from the heart Know that you are amazing from the start I wish for you to reach your potential I know that you are incredibly special My love heals experiences from the past Love may have been superficial or not last Pain or loss may cloud your view Let my love for you break through Be courageous and start to let go Ask for help and let your feelings flow My heart is to see you restored And that you know you are fully adored Our Father who is from above says, I am singing over you with love This saying is true That our Father rejoices over you  Let my love and heart come through Know that I care for you I am calling you to walk with me More than anything, I desire your company

Busy and Being

Busy Every part of my life is busy Running around makes me feel dizzy Spare moments are a luxury Will I have time for recovery There are so many calls for my attention I need some sort of energy extension All the demands pull me in different ways Truly sometimes, it leaves me in a daze Where on earth can I find more space  I can't keep up this frantic pace No time for me, its intolerable Finding quietness will be a miracle Being It's about creating an intentional time Making it a priority of mine Intentionally, find a regular place Quiet, removed, away from the frantic pace Each day commit this time to Father above Be thankful to God for His constant love Taking daily bitesize times each week The heart of this time is to be still and not speak It is a new rhythm and way of life Our minds may wander but do not strive Our Father will encourage you in this space His heart is to meet you face to face God's desire is to make us whole Restoring and reviving our soul His main pass

I looked to the trees

  I looked to the trees and they were bare, no leaves on the branches and no-one cares but then a voice came beckoning me to hear The spirit is saying clearly do not fear I looked to the trees and they were bare Yet the Spirit is saying ponder and dream if you dare We are the leaves for the people around Healing, goodness and favour abound I looked to the trees and saw beyond there a richness of faith and we can respond isolation, fear and a no hope view can be smashed and replaced via me and you, I looked to the trees and saw what was within, His love is present and seeps out of our skin A call, a smile with someone young or old Share God's great pleasure with others, it's pure gold

A golden thread flows through

A golden thread flows through Those were the days my friends I thought they would never end Breakfast chaos and a school run, Lack of sleep and awake before the sun Yet a golden thread flows through Juggling all the balls up in the air Feeling this life is so unfair With all my might trying to grow Yet often I feel so low Yet a golden thread flows through My heart is for others and bring light to all Yet with all life's stuff, I'm going at a crawl I cannot work out the way ahead Growth and vision feel so dead Yet a golden thread flows through All that you have had on your plate Standing on thin ice and trying to skate He will help you discover a new view He knows you intimately, through and through And a golden thread flows through This golden thread that flows through Is your heavenly Father showing you something new Through every event now and in the past God's constant love stays true and lasts And a golden thread flows through He sees through to your heart He loves and