


Forgive and let go is what they say,
Can past hurts wait until another day,
This turnaround may not be quick,
Words and wounds build walls that are thick

Just saying I forgive, is so hard,
Words don't  work when I'm scarred
Try going deeper and process these things

And then see what this new journey brings

It starts with an intentional thought

Changes in me that need to be sought

Express your feelings as a start

You can even try writing, movement or art

Cry out for help to The Father above
This will lead to a covering of love
Loosen the grip around this hurt
Be courageous and do not divert

Holding on to hurt with a tight grip

Only sees your inner peace slip

Unforgiveness can only cause pain

The choice to let go is what remains

The injustice or hurt can feel so raw

But starting to forgive opens a prison door 

It’s hard to forgive and stay emotionally sound
But don't be mistaken forgiveness can be found

I forgive, is not just a word or two

But an intentional choice for me and you
A one off phrase it may not be
The timing of this, is to wait and see

The Forgiveness journey is not a quick win

Feelings of hurt may get under your skin 

You may pick up unforgiveness again 

Keep letting go so it does not remain

I cannot forgive, is a common thought
But there is a different way to be sought
God’s help brings us a different view
This journey can then be worked through

Forgiveness brings a great release 
That leads to freedom and to peace
Forgiveness brings a different route
It breaks a dead end and leads to new fruit


  1. Yes, hard as it is, forgiving is powerful and liberating. Another great poem Nick. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  2. Very well written! Thanks for sharing! My favorite insert, “ Holding on to hurt with a tight grip
    Only sees your inner peace slip”

  3. Wow! Nick that is incredible and very poignant, full of hope and captivating.

  4. Wow!!! This is so good!!!

  5. Such a true and beautiful poem nick

  6. Such lovely words and so true Nick x

  7. Forgiveness is key! Past experience has proven the truth of your poem; how does He do it?
    Miraculously He blots up the painful words/memories. Thank you Nick

  8. This is so true and very refreshing. Thanks for sharing Nick x

  9. Wow …excellent poem and full of profound truth! Where canI find other poems you have written?

    1. Hi Linda click on this link and you will find more poems

  10. A poem full of truth. ‘Open the prison door’…. Who wants to stay in prison…. Forgiveness… what a wonderful key that’s found on the inside of the door!… well done Nick… keep writing🙂

  11. Nick! Well-done, my faithful friend! Each verse has memorable quote in it, like the ines mentioned about forgiveness opening up prison doors, etc. it almost reads like a proverb!


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