Forgiveness Forgive and let go is what they say, Can past hurts wait until another day, This turnaround may not be quick, Words and wounds build walls that are thick Just saying I forgive, is so hard, Words don't work when I'm scarred Try going deeper and process these things And then see what this new journey brings It starts with an intentional thought Changes in me that need to be sought Express your feelings as a start You can even try writing, movement or art Cry out for help to The Father above This will lead to a covering of love Loosen the grip around this hurt Be courageous and do not divert Holding on to hurt with a tight grip Only sees your inner peace slip Unforgiveness can only cause pain The choice to let go is what remains The injustice or hurt can feel so raw But starting to forgive opens a prison door It’s hard to forgive and stay emotionally sound But don't be mistaken forgiveness can be found I forgive, is not just a word or two But an intentional c...