Broken sleep is not much fun
Rest, concentration, stopped one by one
Broken lives causes tumultuous heartache
Families, friendships, trauma it can make
Yet take heart as you can know
That there is restoration that can flow
Where can this change happen for me
Let's go on this journey and see
Restoration is not throwing you away
It's learning something different this day
Our mind and heart may say "I am bad"
Yet, the truth can be explored and had
Born not by chance or cosmic dust
Nor, are you faulty or left to rust
It is, that you are precious and wanted all along
The Father sings over you a great love song
So how can I begin to access this truth
I want this internalised and not stay aloof
Reach out with words, a shout or a tear
Your heavenly Father is attentive and will hear
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