
Letting Go is just a phrase, they say, Mindset, the past and forgiveness do not delay, Yet it is not a turnaround that is quick, Thoughts and feelings can build walls that are thick Letting Go and forgiveness is hard, Eloquent words don't work when I'm scarred Delving deep and processing out This begins the journey with clout Letting Go and forgiveness may bring pain My choice and response can bring gain Holding on to hurt with a tight grip Only means I see my inner peace slip It starts with the intentional thought That change in me needs to be sought Then expressing thoughts and feelings will help Speaking, drawing, movement or just a yelp Bring in a friend, family and help from above This will help you be covered with love Begin to loosen the grip around this hurt Be courageous and do not divert The wrong, the hurt or the pain is real Starting to let go will break a hard seal Its hard to do this and stay sound But don't be mistaken forgiveness can abound The choice alwa...