New Path

 New Path

I took a path which was new,
Winding,muddy and sunlight bursting through,
Shadows and smells, brings things up from the past
Situations I thought would have to last

There's been a shadow of death lingering on
Trauma, shock and loss have been one painful marathon
Triggers of sound and smell
Have frozen me like a spell

Yet this path has sunlight bursting through 
Beyond the shadows, I know the sky is blue
So there is a very deep level being unearthed
Will I acknowledge this pain and let it be dispersed

Holding on has been the norm,
But staying here is constantly a storm
Speaking out and letting go
Can be like shooting an arrow from a bow

Letting go, release again and again
Hope and peace can begin to reign
Touching something so deep within
May take a while to let go and throw in the bin


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