
Showing posts from September, 2020

New Day

New day Can I conceive or believe, Each morning there is something new to receive In the mist or the sun The same message has begun My sight and vision may be blurred Miss this truth and it will be deferred A prophet of the old scribed this phrase Which if you dare will set your heart ablaze It is that our Father sings over us With love, joy, care and no fuss He smiles over us with great delight He see us as precious, day or night Its not any action we have or haven't done This love and care is for anyone He is for us all the time Let that sink in, It's sublime His heart is for us every millisecond of the day Can you imagine this, it can reset your way Like a mother singing over her baby His love is certain and not a maybe Let each day begin with this extravagant thought That a smile from the Father can be caught His overwhelming heart for you is love Why not ponder on these words from above


  Waves The waves go in and out life is full no space about family joys, the ups and downs smiles ,laughter and the frowns The waves go in and out sometimes your voice gives a shout somewhere squeezed in this life is you But there is not always a seaside view The waves go in and out There is space do not doubt Give time to unwind and breathe there is much to discover underneath The waves go in and out Quietness has a lot to sing about Timeout,finding yourself again Precious quietness and love remain The waves go in and out Time out, its what its all about Make it an intentional time And you will find it is sublime The waves go in and out Swim through the difficulties, determined throughout Relationships and communication are the heart Don't settle for mediocre have a fresh start The Waves go in and out Deeper and deeper walk all-out New steps with excitement go His presence will guide you fast or slow The waves go in and out New life can grow and sprout Enjoy and explore each new s...

New Path

  New Path I took a path which was new, Winding,muddy and sunlight bursting through, Shadows and smells, brings things up from the past Situations I thought would have to last There's been a shadow of death lingering on Trauma, shock and loss have been one painful marathon Triggers of sound and smell Have frozen me like a spell Yet this path has sunlight bursting through  Beyond the shadows, I know the sky is blue So there is a very deep level being unearthed Will I acknowledge this pain and let it be dispersed Holding on has been the norm, But staying here is constantly a storm Speaking out and letting go Can be like shooting an arrow from a bow Letting go, release again and again Hope and peace can begin to reign Touching something so deep within May take a while to let go and throw in the bin